Root Canals

Root Canals

When deep decay or injury allows infection to reach the soft inner part of a tooth, it takes more than a filling to treat it. It takes a root canal.  

Inside a tooth is soft, living tissue with both nerve and blood supplies. If a cavity is shallow, then we can correct it with a simple filling. If a cavity reaches the soft inner tissue, the tooth is no longer viable without a root canal.

The root canal procedure follows these steps:

  1. After an x-ray, the tooth and surrounding area are thoroughly numbed.
  2. The top of the tooth is opened.
  3. The inner chamber of the tooth, which extends from the tip of the root nearly to the gum line, is cleaned out. This soft tissue consists of nerves and blood vessels.
  4. The canal is cleaned and sterilized.
  5. The empty space is filled with a rubbery material.
  6. The tooth is closed up.
We also recommend a crown for this tooth because a tooth that’s had a root canal begins to get brittle. With a crown, the tooth can last for many years.

Root canals are often done as emergency solutions for severe toothaches or after an impact injury that’s damaged a tooth. Call us if you need this type of help.

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