

Dental technology is always advancing at a rapid rate, and Invisalign is part of that advancement. Previous methods of orthodontic correction would often require appliances that cannot be removed and take years to get a complete result. Invisalign has the remarkable distinction of being able to complete many cases in just 12-18 months with removable, clear aligners that are easy to manage and cause little restrictions.

While some complex cases may take longer, this system utilizes a completely different approach to orthodontic correction. The clear, removable plastic retainers that you change out every few weeks. They begin moving both the visible teeth and their roots from the very first day. (Conventional orthodontics would move the visible teeth first and then shift the roots.)

Invisalign can bring about dramatic improvements for patients with these orthodontic problems:

  • Excess space between the teeth
  • Crowding
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
For so many patients with these problems, correction is easy and convenient. When the desired result has been achieved, an Invisalign retainer only needs to be worn for a short period each day to maintain the correction, another advantage to this system.
Those wearing Invisalign are saying that the aligners are more comfortable than conventional braces.  Invisalign is even less expensive than most other braces. Extractions can almost always be avoided as well. 

For most of our patients, Invisalign is perfect. They don’t have to wait nearly so long for their beautiful smiles to show up! Please talk to us about Invisalign if you would like straighter teeth and a better bite.

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